“The first place we started with was Portugal… but at the very end of our two-week trip we got on a train and went to Cascais and said, “Wow, this is it!” We had planned to move on and check out other places, but we never did. We just stayed. We rented out our condo back home and eventually took a trip back to get new visas, but we have been here since January of 2011.” Susan Korthase.

Renowned for its glorious stretch of white, sandy beaches, myriad of shopping opportunities and cosmopolitan vibrancy, the former fishing village of Cascais has reinvented itself into a refined seaside resort and one of Lisbon’s most sophisticated destinations.
Snuggled between the sun-dappled shores of the Cascais bay and Sintra’s dramatic mountain range, this stylish coastal town is situated just a few miles from the mouth of the Tagus estuary and captures the attention of visitors year-round with its delightful maritime feel and contemporary charm.
Historically, Cascais is best remembered as an elegant summer retreat for 19th Century Portuguese kings and a haven for European royalty who sought refuge in the country’s neutral territory during World War II. However, while time has shaped this scenic resort into a glamorous centre of culture, nightlife and top-quality living, Cascais has managed to retain the splendour of its seafaring age through its elegant fortresses, lighthouses and 17th Century citadel.
Marvel at the unspoilt sand dunes and untamed waves of Guincho beach – part of the beautiful Sintra-Cascais Natural Park. Situated near the exclusive Quinta da Marinha golf and leisure development, Guincho is especially loved by water sports enthusiasts and popular for its beachfront bar, free-rental bicycles and famous hot dog van! Monuments, museums and cultural performances are also a constant in Cascais, offering everything from classical music concerts to art exhibitions.
Take a stroll on the seaside promenade from Cascais to Estoril – home to one of Europe’s largest and oldest casinos. Boasting deluxe seafront apartments, a fashionable beach and a lively night scene, this resort attracts avid culture lovers and jet-setters from all over the world with its prestigious conferences, international film festival and legendary jazz concerts. Distinguished sports facilities in the area include the Estoril Golf and Academia Internacional de Golfe Estoril Sol golf courses, several tennis courts and a racetrack. A relaxing visit to the Estoril Wellness Centre and Spa is another luxurious experience to enjoy during your holiday in this stunning resort.
Lisbon is a short car-drive from Cascais and Estoril, although a quick trip on the railway will also take you to the city centre – a pleasant train ride allowing you to admire the beauty of Cascais’ coast merge with Lisbon’s unique, historic appeal.

With its mild winters and hot, dry summers, Portugal is one of the countries with the most hours of sunshine every year… over 3000! Definitely among the highest in Europe.
Warm, and welcoming. They graciously accept those that have an interest in their culture, and especially love those trying to learn their language. Don´t worry though. Cascais is home to many foreigners, and most residents speak some English. Integration into Portuguese culture is made easier with the many social opportunities in Cascais. Bars, restaurants and shopping are readily available, as are the little cafés that are an integral part of Portuguese life.

According to Numbeo.com, and updated as at February 2016:
The cost of living in Portugal is 32.35% lower than in the United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Portugal is 59.53% lower than in the United States (average data for all cities).
Portugal is one of the best countries to acquire dwelling since it has clear and transparent tax laws, and offers an easy way of obtaining a residence permit, following new legal provisions that are more appealing for foreign investors, namely the Golden Residence Regime.
It also offers a special regime for non-habitual residents, aiming to attract foreign investors through very appealing tax rates.

Many expatriates choose to send their children to one of the International schools in the area:
- St. Julian’s School Tel. (+351) 214 585 300 | www.stjulians.com
- Carlucci American International School of Lisbon Tel. (+351) 219 239 800 | www.caislisbon.org
- International Preparatory School Tel. (+351) 214 570 149 | www.ipsschool.org
- St. Dominic’s International School Tel. (+351) 214 440 434 | www.dominics-int.org
- Escola Alemã de Lisboa Tel. (+351) 217 510 260 | www.dslissabon.com
- St. James Primary School Tel. (+351) 214 86 47 54 | jps.office@sapo.pt
Useful Links:
Living In Portugal: www.livinginportugal.com
AICEP Portugal Global: http://www.portugalglobal.pt/EN/Pages/Index.aspx